Tuesday, March 30, 2010

BuzzMe v2.6 now ready for download

BigTinCan is please to announce that BuzzMe v2.6 (in the Standard, Pro and Premium flavours) is now ready for download at BlackBerry App World and Mobihand app store.

BuzzMe v2.6 adds some key features people have been asking for since we released BuzzMe v2.5 earlier this year.

In the Premium Version , and supported in the free trial of Premium features that comes with BuzzMe Standard and BuzzMe Pr, BuzzMe v2.6 adds support for three key new plugins

- support for GoogleTalk IM

- support for Yahoo Messenger IM

- support for ICQ

In addition now BuzzMe v2.6 also is aware of your phone startup and will not vibrate upon phone startup for 2 minutes - giving your phone the time it needs to complete the startup process before you start getting BuzzMe alerts.

And BuzzMe v2.6 includes a number of small but important bug fixes and performance improvements.

BuzzMe Standard Edition is available now from BlackBerry AppWorld


and Mobihand


BuzzMe Pro Edition is available now from BlackBerry AppWorld


and Mobihand


BuzzMe Premium Edition is available now from BlackBerry AppWorld


and from Mobihand


And remember we would love you to leave your feedback at our forum


or on our Twitter account


Monday, March 8, 2010

Great review of BigTinCan Connect on Gizmodo

Our friends at Gizmodo have published a great review of BigTinCan Connect.

Its going to be very interesting to see how the market in Australia begins to adopt the idea of getting a fixed line replacement from a mobile oriented service like Connect.

Whenever I talk to people about their telecom needs there is this constant bitching about the fixed line, its cost, and mostly its inflexibility.

People need mobility - they love their mobile phone, but they also want to have a traditional landline phone number. They can do that by paying Telstra or their local carrier $40 a month just to receive a few calls - and then they are stuck when they move - its not that easy to relocate a land line.

Not only that, sure you can forward your calls from the landline to the mobile, but then you are paying the huge cost of diversions to mobiles and you get absolutely no control of who get diverted, who doesn't and if you wanted any more advanced call rules your out of luck.

What we think services like Connect will do is to really free the millions of people around the world who have had enough of landlines prices and services, but still want to have a landline - and let them manage who gets diverted to where, when and more.

There are also many people who we talk to who are using Connect as a "front end" to their mobile - so they only give out their Connect number but map that to their mobile - this means they can change their mobile number anytime they want to without having to tell their friends and business partners of a number change.

Oh, and services like Connect save you money on outgoing calls too.

Are you looking at ditching the fixed line number? Tell us more here about what you need to make the switch.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

BuzzMe Premium 2.5

BuzzMe Premium has just hit the App World and is already making an impact. We woke this morning to find that on App World UK its already hit No 19 - within 24 hours!

And we have had a few really good reviews including this one by AppBoy

So its off to a good start, but now we are thinking about what to add to the next version :)

We have had a good post on our forum and the suggestion is to add

1. An option to have the LED blink for a period of time for the plugins.
2. Plugins for IM+/IM+ lite
3. Plugins for Windows Live Messenger

Pretty good and doable idea.

If you have any others please post here or on our forum.

We would love to hear hear what you think

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

BigTinCan Connect 2.5 Launched

We are pleased to announce that we have released the newest version to our Web site - WebCan v2.5

This new update includes improved performance, better quality phone calls and lots of new features including

  • Incoming Calls: You can now get a phone number in over 40 countries worldwide and connect that number to your mobile phone and even implement advanced call rules, like callerID based routing, time of day call control and multiple voicemail accounts

  • Conference/Group Calling: Sick of having to get people to dial in to a conference call ? Do you want to have a system where the conference call can dial the participants for you? Want the conference call recording emailed to you right after the call is completed? Our new Group Calling feature does that and more ...
All you need to do is login at http://www.bigtincan.com to take advantage of these new features.

If your account was created in 2009 you will need to sign up again to use the new features of WebCan v2.5. Just visit http://www.bigtincan.com/signup.php and re-create your account and you will get 50c FREE CREDIT to try these new features.

Give it a try and post here or on our forum what you think

BuzzMe 2.5 Out

Just wanted to let everybody know that BuzzMe 2.5 is now available on the Mobihand store and BlackBerry App World.

We hope you like it.

We would love any feedback and suggestions or if you need help setting it up, just post at our forum

Thanks to our amazing team and our supportive users for helping BigTinCan to get this product to market.